HQ: New York, NY


An executive conversation with Adam Goldschmiedt 

Practice Director, Pixafy

Pixafy is not your traditional eCommerce agency. We are the erpCommerce agency that is laser focused on a single solution: Unleashing the power of our clients’ B2B and B2C eCommerce, powered by the ERP systems that run their businesses.

We’re fortunate enough to be supported by experts not only in eCommerce, but across multiple and dedicated ERP practices within our sister company, Net at Work. We are the one partner that clients and agencies can call to deliver that unified erpCommerceexperience. It’s our goal to enable our clients’ strategic eCommerce objectives to facilitate their growth and profitability as well as help them improve their operational efficiency through customer experiences.

Because of that, we've launched a solution called erpCommerce™, an eCommerce solution that enables companies to launch a fully transactional - B2B AND B2C - and fully Sage ERP integrated website, leveraging Gartner Magic Quadrant leading ecommerce (Magento) and cloud-based integration (Boomi) platforms in 60 days or less.

This enables companies to GO LIVE FAST and address their IMMEDIATE needs TODAY and scale, customize, and enhance for their business later. Our solution provides merchants with a tremendous value add in that they can use this not only to integrate their ERP system with their eCommerce but it allows them to extend those integrations into other technology properties such as a CRM, PIM, OMS, WMS systems etc.

Another huge benefit to our solution and philosophy that we follow is that we strategically align around community-based platforms to facilitate our customers’ growth. We want to make sure that we are replaceable every step along the way. We don't want to build out solutions that only we at Pixafy can support, or to build out black box solutions that require our customers to come to us for every question, update, or experience they have. We build out platforms for our customers that enable them to grow their organizations as they see fit. Whether a merchant wishes to build out an in-house team to work on their site or integration, or bring in other agencies or partners as specialists for specific initiatives on the website, like creative or branding agencies, or UI/UX specialists, erpCommerce™ is architected to allow for deep collaboration on platforms that have tremendous community involvement, vast training resources, and which facilitate those team members’ abilities to develop the skills necessary in those platforms, as well as understand the true value of those platforms and how they can expand their use out to the rest of their organization and technology properties.

Our solution erpCommerce™ is a quick to market B2B and B2C enabled website that comes pre-integrated to our customers’ ERP systems.

Our philosophy is that we want to standardize as much as possible. This helps the companies we work with on a couple of levels. First, it helps manage the complexity as it relates to the vendor relationships an organization needs to manage. Both as it relates to working with Net at Work - where we're a full service business and technology consultant focused on unleashing the power of business, but also the technology that we support - Magento, Dell Boomi - these are solutions that can facilitate any functionality that our customers need, and we specifically leverage the Magento Commerce solution with Magento because we stand by using native functionalities and features sets wherever possible.

When we integrate with Sage X3 ERP in erpCommerce™, we're leveraging NATIVE Sage X3 web services to handle all of the communication into Dell Boomi. When we work with Magento, we are using Magento’s native B2B module to afford all of the B2B functionality that sophisticated mid-enterprise customers need, and we do this because we want our customers to have a simplified solution for what can be a very real technology challenge.

If they were not using the Magento B2B module for example, they would need to bring in a “hodgepodge” of other 3rd party apps and extensions to accomplish similar functionality. We want to simplify that for our customers, we want to be able to give them integrations that have already been built into the standard feature sets of the platforms that we’re working with, so that there's less complexity. It’s easier for our customers to grow out their teams and get their teams enabled on working within these platforms, and it makes it easier for merchants to bring in specialists that can work on different avenues of the business within the solutions we provide, as we’ll be working with a more natively prescribed and simplified standardized product.

Unleashing Client’s Digital Storefronts

People work with us because as part of the Net at Work group of companies we have capabilities under one umbrella that none of our competitors have. You can come to us and we have deep experience not only with the eCommerce platforms that Pixafy works with directly but also the CRM, ERP, WMS and OMS, and all of the alphabet soup acronyms that you could think of, these other systems that run our customers’ businesses - we come in with an unparalleled level of experience there as well. There's no one in our space that knows ERP and eCommerce to the degree that Pixafy does. So, what that enables us to do is become more of a business advisor for our customers and they come to us to solve all sorts of business challenges. We’re problem solvers and promise keepers which are the foundational principles on which our client relationships are based and that our clients and partners say they value the most.

We also work closely with other agencies and other of technology partners who come to us to partner on client projects because of the breadth of our organization and how much we bring to the table in terms of technology expertise; we’re able to fill a lot of gaps for them so they can deliver the solutions their clients need.

And it makes for very fruitful partnerships in the Magento and ERP communities. Companies who we normally compete with come to us for advice and assistance on complex problems because of the experience they get through Pixafy and the Net at Work group of companies.

The Edge