When I just launched the Company, my first client was Walmart. They wanted everything we had and they wanted it fast. We grew from just 18 stores in Puerto Rico in 2014 to over 9,000 retail stores in the biggest retail chains in the World in every state of the US today. Ensuring success in these new retail partners required venture capital, a hurdle that continues to be one of the hardest to overcome for Latina founders, especially with only 0.4% of all available funding in venture capital in the United States going towards this demographic. Despite efforts to drive more attention to the funding gap, the numbers are declining in funding for women in the US going from 2% of total venture capital in 2021 to 1.9% in 2022. This is a statistic I don't want Latinas not to be discouraged by. There are very few Latina CPG founders that have ever raised more than $17M from venture capital in the United States and today we are at the top of that list. It has become my mission over the past years to help to change the statistics in America and reduce the gap by continuing to lead the way for other Latinas to follow. If we want the funding gap for Latina women to change, we have to become the change we want to see out there. We are on a mission.