Modern leadership is vastly different from even a generation ago. The advent of the Internet and more so Generative AI ushered in many changes, least of which is information overflow and the concomitant necessity for role specialization and closeness to narrow, complex and fragmented market segments. This requires a change from the “Command and Control, I know the Answer” leader to what I call the “Oracle of Delphi” model, prophesizing on the shared information. The Oracle model requires leaders who can recruit and retain the necessary specialist area leaders, listen to their ideas deeply, and use Socratic techniques to extract information from multiple sources, synthesize it, and decide.
Dan Aks
President, Undertone
by Perion

I believe that as a CEO, if I’m the one making all the calls across a business, then I have the wrong team. My philosophy is to lead with radical transparency and honesty, empowering my team to make decisions. CEOs should pose as generalists, guiding employees to take ownership of their work. Sure, I can be there to break a tie, but there should be very few of them to start with. To be an effective leader, it’s my role to find the smartest, most capable team members that will work alongside one another to further the success of our business.
Michael Osborne
CEO, Appriss Retail

Shahin Kohan, a seasoned and trusted technologist, businessman and advisor, is on a mission to catalyze the potential of people and organizations through the power of technology. Three decades of experience working across industries has granted him the knowledge, resources and perspective to effectively create solutions to problems of any size, and ultimately help others make their impact on the world. His companies, including AIMS360, the leader of fashion technology, and Kumo Technology, a pioneering workflow innovation and software development company focused on the private lending industry, allow him to achieve that goal. A proud American immigrant raised amidst the struggle of Tehran, Iran in the 70s, his inspiring journey of possibility, persistence and passion fuels his deep appreciation and endeavor to make technology more accessible, human and powerful for all.