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Following our previous two editions on the State of the Retail industry and eCommerce, it was apt to bring to our readers what design trends one should watch out for in 2022. We invited several leaders from the industry, who are in the thick of the design action, to share their insights. As you would learn from browsing through the pages, there is so much to do and so very little done.
You have everything in here that’s a must for creating great online shopping experiences. However, a great design alone doesn't win you the game. You need the rest of the ingredients in place—SEO, paid advertising, content marketing, PR, email marketing and brand strategy. That's easier said than done.
The biggest marketing pain point that everyone is fighting right now is attribution. John Wanamaker’s infamous “Half of the money I spend on marketing is wasted; I just don’t know which half” quote rings as true for retailers today as it did when the department store mogul said it over a hundred years ago.
Looking for answers, we turned to one of the Oustanding eCommerce Design Agencies we recognized last year—Fidelitas. In a culture where perception seems to be reality, Fidelitas likes to take a different route—operating with powerful transparency and strategic insight in every client relationship. Its Founder & CEO Tyler Sickmeyer stands as a prime example of how being passionate about work is the true motivator that leads to success—not just for the agency but clients too. He has bootstrapped the agency and built to drive business outcomes for its partners. Tyler and his team at Fidelitas are testimony to the fact that trust and transparency form the bedrock of successful brand-agency relationships.
Happy reading.
John Mathews
Beyond the Design