Executive Digital

An executive conversation with Aleksandar “Sasha” Jovicic 

Chief executive officer

Executive Digital is a full-service, boutique digital marketing agency, focused on creating true value and ROI for our clients via digital strategies married with real-time business concepts.

Our expansive team has experts for each phase of the process. From the initial strategy through data migration, API connection and SEO optimization, our team will take care of every data point ensuring a smooth build.

Executive Digital has a proven track record on implementing website migration projects 4x faster than industry averages. This is why BigCommerce featured our agency as only a handful of recommended agencies qualified to handle complex migrations onto their platform.

From our initial discovery meeting through the design and development process all the way through A/B testing and growing their online revenue, our goal is to be an advocate for our clients. We listen to their needs, analyze the data to determine where there may be issues with their customers' journey, and build a modern site that instantly brings a lift to their online revenue.

We want to ensure when people visit their website it’s intuitive to how their potential customers shop. The site loads quickly, the navigation and search are clear, and there are the smallest amount of clicks to purchase.

A big differential factor between us and other agencies is that we focus on growing revenue. It’s not just about building a gorgeous site, it’s tying our award-winning designs into robust functionality with search engine optimization in mind. When we focus on revenue, we create long-lasting partnerships with our clients.

As a top tier BigCommerce partner, we are aware of every BigCommerce feature and have maneuvered through almost every third-party app and API connection. We assist our clients navigate the BigCommerce ecosystem to ensure they are utilizing the best solutions available to fulfill their individual needs.

We work with some of the larger enterprise clients on the BigCommerce platform. We’ve helped clients save thousands by negotiating their BigCommerce contracts and third party connections to ERPs and other systems, as well as utilize pre-build code to cut down on development costs and shrink timelines.


Some of the innovative processes we have created for our clients really give them a competitive advantage against their competitors and dramatically higher profit margins. Here are some examples of the custom development functionalities we’ve built and the results of innovative digital marketing strategies.

Bath Bomb Company - B2B and B2C all in one website - Allowed our client to offer a variety of bundles and packages as well as shipping rules that were uniquely different for B2B and B2C customers. Promotional marketing messages were able to trigger at unique times based on the type of customer. Guided the scope of work for a new ERP system that allowed the customer to track raw material that went into a variety of different products to optimize inventory and reordering while reducing the chances of having products that were out of stock. From individual B2C customers ordering a pack of bath bombs a gift to one of the largest grocery chains ordering for over 505 stores, each client had a seamless experience.

Towel and Robe Company - Integrated B2B and B2C into one website - B2C customers were able to personalize their products and see a preview of what the product would look like before ordering. Their instagram feed had shoppable products that drove insane B2C sales. From a B2B aspect, we helped different clients such as some of the largest hotel chains in the world, purchase a pre-approved set of personalized products that was restricted from view of other customers with unique pricing tiers based on the level of hotel.

eCommerce Company with Several Drop-Shipping Brands - Fresh B2C site - Cleaned up 15 years of unhealthy product data with grossly different pieces of information and mislabeled variants and product options. Streamline the shipping tracking and messaging for dropshippers to ensure the end customer received uniform information regardless of which brand they purchased.

CBD Company- New company launching in a very saturated market - While this client had complex features that were created during the website build. One of the most notable results was the insane growth post launch. For this client, we focused heavily on SEO as their industry is regulated and cannot take advantage of most paid advertisements. By implementing question and answer schemas on their site and optimizing every single piece of information on the product page, this client grew from zero traffic to over 10,000 unique views in less than three months.

Flooring Company - B2B Website - Their clients were able to view products with personalized pricing, quantity breaks, custom preset product bundles, build your own bundles, unique pre-determined picklists with the ability to change quantities, product availability by warehouse, quick order form with variant options, API connection to archaic ERP system, API connection to Salsify for product information, etc. For this client we really created a custom workflow that differs greatly from the standard BigCommerce features.

Candy Company - B2C site - This clientele had an older demographic that was used to purchasing from a catalog. They wanted their users to be able to purchase gifts for family and friends in one order but have their orders arrive at different times. The first step was understanding the different shipping requirements for different perishable products and for the different geographical regions that recipients would receive them in. We then created custom date range calendars so users could select with great accuracy when their family or friends received their gifts (no one wants a birthday gift showing up late!). They could even select custom cards and write unique gift messages for each recipient. Or use pre-written suggested gift messages. This was a unique solution that moved their catalog orders online and greatly reduced the amount of staff needed at their call centers.

Wholesale eCommerce site - B2B - For this client we utilized a lot of the features previously mentioned with other clients. We also added the ability for their clients to create a variety of roles for each client. Meaning one user could create a purchasing list, another user could edit and approve, another user could manage payment information, while another received tracking information for shipment. The end customer could create their own custom workflow utilizing the previously mentioned roles which allowed our client to meet the needs of their ever growing list of resellers.

When prospects first speak with one of our representatives, we ask very targeted questions to not only ensure we are creating an accurate scope of work for what the client is requesting but also so we can make suggestions for improvements. We work as an advocate for our clients to ensure they are capitalizing on the most advanced features available and their customers have the best experience. By continuing A/B testing post-launch, we are able to constantly enhance the baseline conversion metrics and continuously increase the average order value. Simultaneously we are driving digital marketing tactics to continuously grow the funnels of traffic pouring into their site. Here at Executive Digital we are experts in scaling eCommerce websites to the peak of profitability.


We love our clients. For the last 10 years, we’ve become partners to all of our clients. Unlike typical agencies, we’ve grown to live the business operations with our clients around the globe, and as such, all learned knowledge is shared so that we can quickly grow their digital footprint and enhance their overall business performance.

I’ve never met another agency with a 100% transparency model like the one we have at Executive Digital. The robust software I use as CEO to track all of my team members across the world for all of our various projects is exactly the same software and view our client’s have of their individual projects. Meaning there is 100% transparency and zero filtering. Our clients see every team member, their tasks, due dates, and even internal edits. This is a huge advantage that leads to quick collaboration, shortened timelines, and increased customer satisfaction.

As one of the only true international BigCommerce agencies we offer a unique advantage to our customers. In this day and age, having an eCommerce website that is truly optimized for cross-border trade is no easy task. The team here at Executive Digital spans the globe with our 160+ employees residing in 8 offices around the world. Our content team can write in 26 native languages and our international experts specialize in understanding complex shipping and taxes rules and regulations. The lead BigCommerce strategists and developers are intimately aware of not only the capabilities of the BigCommerce platforms but also are friends with many of the team members at third party companies. This leads to advanced and frequent collaboration to create unique solutions that create enhanced purchase methods, streamline backed operations for the client, and drive increased average order values.

We keep our clients happy by focusing on what matters most to them - driving more sales. From intuitive UX/UI design, constant AB testing, to unparalleled digital marketing success - we are always pushing the boundaries of monetary success. By being an extension of their internal team but also being a gut check to ensure everyone is focused on the right end goal - our clients feel comfortable to collaborate but know their best interests are being taken care of.

Our clients and even the internal team at BigCommerce understands that Executive Digital is a very different organization than most agencies. We aren’t looking to make big profits on website builds. Our focus is building the most user-friendly website that is optimized for conversions so we can properly grow traffic and sales post-launch. At Executive Digital we have a unique forward thinking process that ensures websites are ready to scale for rapid growth immediately. We are implementing AB testing onsite, and launching enterprise level search engine optimization, Google ads, and social media strategies before most other agencies could have even finished a basic website build.

As I mentioned previously, Executive Digital has a proven track record on implementing website migration projects 4x faster than industry averages. Out of the handful of agencies that BigCommerce recommends for complex migrations, we are the one of the only agencies also recommended for B2B and digital marketing success.